Tuesday 11 August 2015



           Wow! That is  the word you could say on looking at this limpid lake. It was circular in shape and bantam in size. It was azure blue in colour. Fresh emerald green grass encircled the lake. Fish waded through the fresh waters. Bewitching corals stood still as a boot. As the darkness  flooded in, the effulgent moon marched in. The light shadow of the moon fell onto the lake at a lickety spilt pace.

                  Drip, drip, rain sedately fell onto the earth. Night flew by as fast as a vulture and the sun arose from the sea          { behind the alley} of crimson and blue. The rain did not pause. A magnificent rainbow majestically appeared into the dull grey sky. The perennials swayed from left to right along with the flow of the chinook. 

           Without man touching it, building walls and buildings it looks alluring. Man is stolid, harebrained and heartless. Animals kill for food, in order to live a life, but man only kills for fun, just for sadistic pleasure.